A diverse group of passionate parrot rescuers and rehabilitators combined dozens of years of hands on experience in the care of exotic birds and officially founded Ruffled Feathers Sanctuary as a nonprofit in 2015 to provide what we consider to be an essential and much needed service to make the lives of these captive birds as safe and happy as they can be.
From Hanover, Pennsylvania all the way down to Crescent City, Florida, our enthusiastic and dedicated group of volunteers allow us to do what we do.
PRIMARILY, we operate a bird sanctuary and rescue by offering refuge and safety for at-risk parrots and other exotic birds suffering “changed circumstances” and in immediate need of relocation. Our rapid response team is in many ways a kind of first responder, there to help parrots and their owners in times of emergency.
RFS assures that each bird is, and remains, capable of being held by a human being and does not revert to a wild state. We rehabilitate each bird by providing it a safe, long-term place where it becomes well-adjusted and capable of “stepping up” to the daily challenges of a very long life.
We never put a bird on a waiting list.
To be in the best position to meet these unknown future challenges, each bird must not lose its ability to interact with humans on whom it depends for its continued existence. We are convinced that a bird’s ability to “step up” is the key to its long term emotional and physical well-being because in captivity parrots and other exotic birds only thrive when they socially interact with humans. By dulling or even negating their innate need to be free, man has substituted for their need to be free a new need for relationship with humans.